Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
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May 20, 2011

It's Vital You Vote!

So, The Big List had a meeting with the Tennents Vital people this morning and the featured word of the morning was "exciting".
Although the official line-up for the Bangor gig happening this August is still under VERY tight wraps, we're told the headliner band is not only the festival's biggest ever but also "one of the biggest acts in the world".
Rumours are still flashing around the internetz of who it could be, while our guesses of Arcade Fire and Muse were met with a blank expression.
One thing that did arise later while discussing the matter back in Big List HQ, however, is that Two Door Cinema Club were an obvious choice for the festival in a big support slot. Seeing as the gig will be taking place in Bangor, it would be only fitting that the local lads had pride of place. So after a quick check on their schedule for August, it seems TDCC currently have a convenient four-day empty window in their schedule over the weekend in question.You heard it hear first kids [although, we do suspect you probably weren't as slow as us to figure it out).
The official line-up is being announced next Wednesday, so stay tuned here for details. 
In other news, check this out. It's a T-shirt designed by a local journalist for a Biffy Clyro competition and if there was any justice in the world it would win. The T-Shirt would become the offical tour t-shirt for the band this year, so if you've got a moment please get clicking! 

You can also check out some lively discussion about said T-Shirt on the infamous NI music forum, Fastfude, here.

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